
There are five steps to apply for funded aged care services from the Australian Government. It all starts with a referral from your GP or a call to My Aged Care (MAC).

Step 1: Contact My Aged Care (MAC)

To apply for funding, contact My Aged Care (MAC) and ask for an assessment. You can do this by calling 1800 200 422, visiting the MAC website, or through your General Practitioner (GP).

If you’re not sure if you’re eligible, you can use the Eligibility Checker to find out.

Step 2:  Initial MAC assessment

A MAC representative will ask you about your needs, your life, and activities where you may need some help. They will also ask for personal information like your Medicare details, so keep your card on hand.

When MAC have the information they need, they will then arrange an assessor to come visit you to conduct an in person assessment.

Step 3: An in person assessment

With your permission, an independent assessor will visit you at home to learn about your strengths, any activities you find difficult, and your goals. There is a different assessment for each type of funded aged care.

If you need basic support at home, funding will most likely be from CHSP, and you will need an assessment by a Regional Assessment Services (RAS) Assessor.

Assessments are usually booked within 28 days of your request, depending on your location and needs. It can take between 45 minutes to two hours to complete.

For more complex care funding such as a HCP, STRC or TCP, you will be assessed by a member of an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). Wait times for assessments can sometimes take several weeks.

You can ask a friend, family member, or carer to be there with you, and you can also have a translator or Auslan interpreter if you need support.

Step 4: Notification of funding from MAC

During your in person visit, your assessor will let you know what type funding you can receive. If successful, you will then receive a letter from MAC confirming your funding is available. You can use the information from MAC to contact providers and arrange your care.

Step 5: Assessed and waiting for funding

If you need support while you wait for funding, you can self fund the services you need. You do not need to meet any criteria or be assessed to receive private care.

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Refer to us

To receive government funded aged care, please contact My Aged Care through their online form, calling 1800 200 422. Alternatively your GP can make an e-referral.

Refer to us

To receive government funded aged care, please contact My Aged Care through their online form, calling 1800 200 422. Alternatively your GP can make an e-referral.