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In home health care
13 December 2024

Silverchain’s fourth Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) commits to fostering an inclusive and equitable future for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Australia, with a particular focus on building deeper connections between health, culture and Country.

Silverchain Chief Executive Dale Fisher AM said in Silverchain’s work in communities across Australia, we embrace and respect diversity and differences, understanding that this is the foundation that reconciliation is built on.

“Silverchain’s genuine commitment to reconciliation is our investment in a shared future where everyone can thrive. Initiatives in our new RAP range from cultural competency training to improved economic and social outcomes by supporting First Nations businesses,” Ms Fisher said.

“Our commitment extends beyond just acknowledging historical injustices. Our journey has focused on healing and improving access to care and support services.  

“As a leader in our industry, we have a unique responsibility to contribute meaningfully to reconciliation. Our actions and our care benefit the people and the communities we serve across Australia. They also impact the health and aged care industry, our networks, our peers and decision makers, and the broader community.”

The new Innovate-level RAP includes initiatives such as: 

• Delivering our organisational wide Cultural Learning Strategy to foster a shared understanding and respect.

• Strengthening the cultural safety of Silverchain so that everyone who works here or receives services from us feels valued and respected.

• Building stronger Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment pathways to create opportunities for First Nations talent. 

As part of the RAP launch event, Shelley Reys AO, a Djiribul woman from far north Queensland and a leader in Indigenous and reconciliation spaces, highlighted that reconciliation required ongoing effort and collaboration at every level. Ms Reys’ presentation unpacked the importance of self education, identifying areas where individuals can contribute and embrace the opportunity to learn. 

Silverchain’s vision for reconciliation is a fair and just health care system embedded in social justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities, in the pursuit of health equality and a united Australia. Silverchain’s reconciliation artwork by Charmaine Mumbulla, a Kaurna and Narungga woman from South Australia, tells the story of Silverchain’s reconciliation journey, and is featured in the Innovate RAP 2024-2026.

“We are committed to delivering on the actions in this RAP and will continue to be guided by our First Nations communities. Together, we can drive meaningful change within Silverchain and for the communities we are privileged to serve,” Ms Fisher said.

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