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In home aged care services
In home health care
02 December 2024

Silverchain has made significant strides in its reconciliation journey through the implementation of our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). 

Launched in 2022, the plan has driven progress in promoting cultural respect, strengthening governance, and advancing economic reconciliation through intentional procurement practices. 

A standout feature of our Innovate RAP is the beautiful artwork by Charmaine Mumbulla, which visually represents Silverchain's journey towards reconciliation. This piece symbolises our commitment to healing, social justice, and cultural understanding, serving as an enduring reminder of the work ahead.

To honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditions and values, Silverchain has developed comprehensive cultural protocols for knowledge sharing. 

These guidelines celebrate the diversity of First Nations communities and ensure that their voices and traditions are respected.

Educational videos featuring Indigenous employees and consumers further enhance cultural understanding, offering authentic insights into their stories, experiences, and knowledge.

Lesley Allison, Silverchain’s Aboriginal Program Lead, emphasised that the RAP is more than a document—it is a living commitment.

Lesley Allison
“Our Innovate RAP guides our actions and holds us accountable for creating a culturally safe and inclusive health and aged care environment,” Lesley said.

“We are committed to working alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to create a health and aged care system that is culturally safe, accessible, and responsive to their needs.”

To drive accountability, Silverchain has established robust RAP governance structures, including a working group and The Seed Pod, a dedicated network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees. We also partner with Weavr, an Indigenous management system, to track progress toward RAP deliverables and actions.

A key achievement of the Innovate RAP has been Silverchain’s commitment to economic empowerment.

“We have spent over $2.4 million with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses, supporting local economies and creating opportunities for First Nations-owned businesses,” Lesley said.

“We are proud of the progress we’ve made through our RAP. By supporting my people, we are directly improving health outcomes and building a more equitable and just health and aged care system for all Australians.”

As we embark on our second Innovate RAP, Silverchain remains steadfast in its vision for reconciliation: a fair and just healthcare system embedded in social justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities. Together, we are working toward health equality and a united Australia.

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