
In 2023-24 we continued to look for ways to modernise the ways we deliver care and work.

We embraced technologic advancements in 2023-24 with investment on a range of dynamic platforms. 

We successfully trialled our new Electronic Care Record (ECR) across all clinical record activities in our Western Sydney Specialist Community Palliative Care Service.

The trial showed significant benefits of the new system, including real time capturing of clinical care plans and progress notes, visible to the entire care team and intuitive drop-down menus to easily record client information in real time. 

The ECR also proved to be easier to find and update information online or offline, with less reliance on paper records.

We also continued to enhance our employee portal, Our People Portal, and employee development tools.

Our new performance development program has been designed to provide our people with greater career opportunities and help them to realise their career aspirations. The development program is the first of its kind for Silverchain. It allows us to set performance and development objectives, have planned conversations about those objectives and to follow through via a robust process.